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If Moms Talked to Each Other The Way They Talk to Their Kids

​Some may fine this skit humorous and it is--until we consider how we talk to our children.

Certainly, a home is NOT a democracy and the parents must parent and not simply be friends to their children; however, I believe there are ways to stay in command and still talk to your children without talking in a patronizing and authoritative voice as in this skit.

One of the viewers on Youtube mentioned that most of the time we have bosses and she was right. My question is what kind of boss would you want to follow? One who is commanding and uses an authoritative voice as if "you do this or else." Or you would prefer a boss who leads and you want to follow. In this skit, you have the 3 women talking in a rather condenscending and authoritative manner whenever they put on their "parenting hats."

For example, at about 1:00 minute into the video, the woman on the left blurts out, "Beckett. What are you doing?" while ending with "I'll pour it for you." Though It may be perfectly fine to say, "BECKETT" in an authoritative voice to quickly get attention; wouldn't it be better for her to lower her voice and without being condescending and simply ask, "What are you doing?" She could continue by explaining why it's important to finish by saying, "We've discussed this before. You don't finish your juice [wine]. Finish what you have and then you can have some more." Finally, rather than saying, "I'll pour it for you," she could end by saying, "I'll help you pour it," thus teaching the child how to pour the drink.

You wouldn't like working for a bossy boss' would you? Your kids will certainly obey you if you are bossy to them, yet as they grow will they want to follow a bossy parent or one that has nurtured and educated them in doing the right things.


Striving for peace through valued communications, Frank S. Adamo is a communication skills specialist, instructor/trainer, and an author/co-author of five books--with more coming. Though world peace may not be reachable, personal peace is achievable. Frank's goal is to assist others in discovering their own inner peace by educating our younger generations on the concepts of interpersonal communication skills, relationship building, and other similar skills leading to peaceful solutions.

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