Malice towards none
One hundred and two years ago, for a brief moment in time, there was peace during the horror of WWI. On Christmas Eve, the Germans began...

Can the country be united?
We've had a very divisive election campaign. Though the expected winner did not win, we now have a President Elect who has stated that he...

Why do we cry at weddings?
Why do we cry at weddings? The bride, and also the groom, may cry because they are entering into a new phase of life and new...
If Moms Talked to Each Other The Way They Talk to Their Kids
Some may fine this skit humorous and it is--until we consider how we talk to our children. Certainly, a home is NOT a democracy and the...
October: Crime Prevention Month
October is Crime Prevention Month. Certainly there will be many programs offerred druing the month of October . The National Crime...
Life's Lessons
Though the quote "The counts of the indictment are luxury, bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect to elders, and a love for...

Peaceful solutions
"Glaring regional gap between violence and peace." The world has turned increasingly into adjacent regions of conflict and peace,...

The Train (Life's Journey)
At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our...

Three best safety tools to deter sexual assault
Before we leave this month, here is a video about 3 safety tools you can use to defend yourself. This video was recommended by a cousin...
Lessons from Elizabeth Smart's "My Story"
As you may recall, Elizabeth Smart, when she was only 14, was abducted from her bedroom in Salt Lake City, Utah on June 5, 2002 and...