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Three best safety tools to deter sexual assault

Very shortly, we will be leaving Child Abuse Awareness and Sexual Abuse Awareness Months.

Before we leave this month, here is a video about 3 safety tools you can use to defend yourself. This video was recommended by a cousin who is an FBI agent.

I have found that LED flashlights produce brilliant light. Recently, Costco had a removable LED flashlight that is used as a night light. After purchasing a packet of two lights, I returned to purchase another pack. You just connect them to an outlet to activate the night light (two settings) and to charge the flashlight. Upon removing the flashlight, the light immediately disburses light from the top on a low setting. There is also a high (brighter) setting and a flashigh light. One night I heard a noise downstairs. I grabbed the flashlight from the bathroom and pointed the light downstairs. The whole living room was lit up. It turns out that the noise came from our cat who was howling because of another cat was outside. The point is that this flashlight is great for a nightlight and, in case of emergency, can light a path or an area with a brilliant beam. Though I have not tested it, the charged battery suppose to last for 12 hours.

For personal protection, perhaps this can be taken and used as the flashlight as shown in th

e video. If not used, unless needed, it should stay charged for most of the day and evening. Thus, if you leave home early in the morning and/or leave work in the dark, this flashligh could be used. Definitely, it can be used at home in case of some sort of disaster or a home invasion.

Also, one item I learned in a hotline counseling class I took many years ago: when confronted by a perpetrator, never go with him in a car. Do everything possible to get away and run if you have to. Even if the victimizer has a gun, he is far more likely to kill you where he takes you to an isolated area in a car rather than running away before dragging you into a vehicle.

Though we are leaving the Sexual Abuse Awareness Month and the Child Abuse Awareness Month, let's not become unaware until the next 11 months. Always be alert when walking to your car or just walking around the block. Even in "good communities," evil can lurk.

As we leave Child Abuse Awareness Month, here is a beautiful song sung by Michael West, an adult survivor of child sexual abuse, Child Sexual Abuse. ..There is hope for a broken girl.

There is always hope for an abused child. It may take years sometimes and the child may go through hell, draggin his/her parents with them, as our daughter did; however, I am so very thankful that our daughter is no longer a victim, but a survivor and is doing quite well. As we learned from Elizabeth Smart, abused children can never wipe away and regain those weeks, months and sometimes years of abuse; however, they cam move forward and recapture their dreams and be a survivor. God bless all those who have been abused.

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